Oddelek za slavistiko

Sprememba govorilnih ur ta teden pri prof. dr. H. Tivadarju (25. 10. do 29. 10. 2021)


Zaradi udeležbe na simpoziju ob 500-letnici Adama Bohoriča bom imel govorilne ure ta teden namesto v četrtek v petek, 29. 10. 2021, in sicer ob 10.00 preko spleta na naslednji ZOOM-povezavi:

Topic: Govorilne ure

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


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Meeting ID: 984 4928 8272

Passcode: 407716


S spoštovanjem,

prof. dr. Hotimir Tivadar


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Vojko Gorjanc

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Change of Office Hours Jana Kenda

Department of English

Change of Office Hours Anamarija Šporčič

Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Change of Office Hours Mateja Habinc

Faculty of Arts

Call for papers: the 2nd doctoral conference New perspectives in humanities and social sciences