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RWS Campus Online

RWS Campus Online 

Podjetje RWS 25. in 26. aprila organizira brezplačni dvodnevni spletni dogodek za študente, univerzitetne profesorje in druge, ki jih morda zanima področje prevajanja. Vsi, ki se bodo na dogodek prijavili, bodo imeli dostop do predavanj in predstavitev še 30 dni po dogodku. 

Več informacij o dogodku najdete tukaj: Register for the RWS Campus Online event  

Na dogodek se lahko prijavite tukaj: https://www.rws.com/about/careers/events/rws-campus-online-2023/ 

Tukaj je še kratek opis: The event will cover a range of topics and will provide insights into different career paths in the localization industry (Translator, Project Manager, Quality Manager, Talent Manager, Interpreter, DTP and Localization Engineer, Software Developer), skills needs for certain types of tasks or sectors within the industry (Life Sciences, Finance, Audiovisual, IP, AI, Post-editng), RWS internship programs, latest Trados technology as well as how the academic institutions can best prepare their students for today's localization workplace. 

Veseli bomo, če se nam boste na dogodku pridružili. 


Administrative Office, International Office, Faculty of Arts

International student welcome day

Administrative Office, International Office, Faculty of Arts

International student welcome day

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Martin Anton Grad