Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Vabilo na krvodajalsko akcijo

RKS – Območno združenje Rdečega križa Ljubljana in ŠOU Ljubljana vabita na študentsko krvodajalsko akcijo, ki bo 10. aprila 2024 na Zavodu za transfuzijsko medicino Ljubljana (Šlajmerjeva 6, Ljubljana).

Vabljeni, da pokličete na 051 389 270, 051 671 147 ali 030 716 796 in se dogovorite za odvzem.


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Martin Anton Grad

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.