Vocational Pedagogy and Andragogy
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Makovec Radovan Danijela
1 Concept and subject of vocational pedagogy and andragogy, vocational education concept.
2 The development and structure of the different systems of vocational education for young people and adults with special reference to various forms of alternation
3 International acts and conventions in the field of vocational education
4 The development of vocational education in our country, state, strengths and weaknesses of the existing system. Development trends, platforms and conceptualization.
5 Profiles of work, occupation profiles and their application in vocational training programs. Interconnectedness and methodological approaches.
6 Professional standards, concept, structure and methodology. Development trends in the field of qualifications, their content and structural changes in modern conditions. Desqualifications trends and their overcoming.
7 Skills: concept and development, the relationship between competence, qualification and profession. Segmentation and internal division in the development of qualifications, characteristics of individual groups of workers and the labor market.
8 Professional socialization; concept development, design. Changes and characteristics of occupational socialization of young people and adults in modern conditions.
10 Professional self reproduction and professional issues of re-socialization of adults.
11 The development of science and technology and its impact on the structure of work:
a) The scientific organization of work, taylorism and its implications for the development of qualifications
The impact of changes in the structure of work in the secondary and the tertiary sector:
a) the system of education, especially vocational
b) programming structure of vocational education
c) the processes of professional skills
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- Muršak, J. (2002): Duševni obraz človeka v dobi strojev ali poklic kot najvišja oblika dela. V.: Sodobna pedagogika, št. 4, str. 114 - 131 ID=761348
- Medveš, Z. (2013): Poklicno izobraževanje je pred desetletjem skrenilo na slepi tir. V: Sodobna pedagogika 2013/1, str. 10 – 31 ID=761348
- Muršak, J., Javrh, P., Kalin, J. (2011) Poklicni razvoj učiteljev. Ljubljana: ZI FF. (str. 17-30, 31-46) ID=257139456
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- Muršak, J: (2009): Kriza poklicne identitete: vloga poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja. v: Sodobna pedagogika, št. 1/2009, str. 154 – 169 ID=761348
- Muršak, J. (2012): Temeljni pojmi poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja. Ljubljana:CPI ID=262717440
- Muršak, J.(2008): Ocenjevanje v kompetenčno zasnovanih programih. V.: Sodobna pedagogika 2008 Posebna številka ID=761348
- Bela knjiga o vzgoji in izobraževanju v RS. (1995), Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, str. 197 do 232. ID=46688512
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- Kurikul na nacionalni in šolski ravni v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju