Portuguese Culture and Civilisation 1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Medvedšek Mojca
- definition of Lusophone civilization
- the geographic outline of Portugal: an overview of Portuguese districts, particularly in its human and economic terms
- Portuguese language today: geographical distribution, sociolinguistic data and problems
- a general historical context of the emergence of Portuguese history and the effects on language
- a historical outline of Portugal - the first part: the prehistoric migrations of the first substrate and the Iberian peninsula, the Roman power and civilization, the West Goths, Moors, reconquest, Christian, Arab and Jewish cultural influences and antagonisms
- reasons for overseas expansion. Conquest of Ceuta, the maritime discoveries and colony: Africa, the Orient, discovery and colonization of Brazil
- national culture and art from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
Marques, A.H. de Oliveira. História de Portugal (I). Lisboa: Palas Editores, 1985. Izbrana poglavja. COBISS.SI-ID - 13776738
Dodatna in priporočena literatura:
Saraiva, J. H. História Concisa de Portugal. Lisboa: Publicações Europa-América, Lda, 1983.
Saraiva, A.J. A Cultura em Portugal, Teoria e História (Livro I – Introdução Geral à Cultura Portuguesa). Lisboa: 1982.
Barreto, L.F. Descobrimentos e Renascimento. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1983. Izbrana poglavja.
Peres, D. História dos Descobrimentos Portugueses. Porto: Vertente, 1983. Izbrana poglavja.