Sanskrit I/1
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Repanšek Luka
As part of the lectures students familiarize themselves with the descriptive and historical grammar of Vedic Sanskrit in juxtaposition with its younger variety of the post-Vedic period, i.e. Classical Sanskrit (historical phonology and nominal declension). They are equipped with the diachronically-based understanding of the development of Old Indic nominal morphology against the background of Proto-Indo-Iranian and, drawing on the comparative evidence of other relevant old Indo-European languages, the reconstructed system of Proto-Indo-European nominal morphology.
As part of the tutorial students are encouraged to use and expand their knowledge of descriptive and historical grammar of Old Indic. Through guided reading of easier and slightly adapted portions of original prose texts they build up the essential vocabulary and begin to assimilate the structure of the language. They gain competence in recognizing and applying the rules of sandhi and are able to read and write in the devanagari script.
- Goto, T. et al.: Old Indo-Aryan Morphology and its Indo-Iranian background. Dunaj, 2013. COBISS.SI-ID - 65337954
- Mayrhofer, M.: Sanskrit Grammatik mit sprachvergleichenden Erläuterungen. 3. izd. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1978 in novejše izdaje. COBISS.SI-ID - 8681570
- Burrow, T.: The Sanskrit Language. Faber and Faber. London. (zadnja izdaja). COBISS.SI-ID - 199434240
- Repanšek, L.: devaś ca va asuraś caspardhanta. Berilo vedske proze – Vedic Prose Reader. Ljubljana, 2017. COBISS.SI-ID - 296652032
- Wackernagel, J.; Debrunner, A.: Altindische Grammatik I–III. Göttingen, 1896–1954. COBISS.SI-ID - 246794752, COBISS.SI-ID - 246796032, COBISS.SI-ID 246796032
- Thumb, A., Hauschild R.: Handbuch des Sanskrit I–II, 3. izd. Heidelberg, 1959. COBISS.SI-ID - 53853794
- MacDonell, A. A.: A Vedic Grammar for Students. Delhi, 1916. COBISS.SI-ID - 164696579
- Ziegler, S.: Klassisches Sanskrit. Wiesbaden, 2013. COBISS.SI-ID - 64263010
- Repanšek, L.: Učbenik klasičnega sanskrta. Ljubljana, 2022. COBISS.SI-ID - 136027139