Spanish language 4
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Santiago Alonso Gemma Maria, lekt. dr. Trenc Andreja
Oral and written expressions:
- developing correct and fluent oral expression with the appropiate, complex and precise vocabulary and appropriate register
- developing writing skills, according to everyday topics and communicative functions and developing the ability to produce texts which describe, narrate and highlight the causes and consequences of a fact and create a hypothetical situation (presentation of arguments, essays, description and narration)
Communication functions:
- argumentation and selecting argumentative items by sorting information
In the development of communication skills, the emphasis is on the acquisition and use of specific vocabulary and idiomatic expressions in semantic fields at the C1 CEFR level and grammar in selected sections.
The acquisition of the semantic fields comprises: vocabulary relevant to environment and space, human and society, and relations and processes in material and abstract reality (los verbos de cambio, las colocaciones con por/para).
Selected grammar sections cover the following topics:
- reported speech
- use of conditional sentences
- use of verbal mode: subjuntivo
- use of prepositions and phrasal verbs.
- Molina, I. (2006), Practica tu español: el subjuntivo, S.G.E.L, Madrid. COBISS.SI-ID - 33202018
- Losana, J. E. (2006), Practica tu español: los tiempos del pasado, S.G.E.L, Madrid. COBISS.SI-ID - 36920674
- VV. AA. (2006), El ventilador, Difusión, Barcelona. COBISS.SI-ID - 50216034
- VV. AA. (2012), Nuevo Prisma.C1, Edinumen, Madrid. COBISS.SI-ID - 48067682
- VV. AA. (2012), Qué gramática aprender, qué gramática enseñar, Edinumen, Madrid. COBISS.SI-ID - 52843618
- VV.AA (2017), C de C1. Libro de alumno, Barcelona, Difusión. COBISS.SI-ID - 65643874