Comparative Versification
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Širca Alen Albin
The aim of the course is to explain the basic principles of versification (quantitative, syllabic, accentual and syllabic-accentual versification), main poetic procedures and terms (rhythm, meter, assonance, alliteration etc.), and verse, stanza and poetic forms in different languages and national literatures from antiquity to post-modernism. Among verse forms a special attention is paid to the Ancient Greek and Latin dactylic hexameter, French alexandrin, Italian endecassilabo giambico, trochaic and iambic octosyllable in different languages; among stanza forms to Dante's terza rima; among poetic forms to the Troubadour sestina, Medieval cercle forms (rondeau, rondel, triolet, ballade) and the sonnet as the crown of the European lyric poetry. The course is not limited to the European tradition only – it offers an insight into the treasuries of other civilizations and cultures as well: it deals with Japanese haiku, Indonesian and Malayan pantum, Arabic ghazal etc. Besides strict traditional poetic forms it also explains the specific nature of Modern poetic language, including free verse and prose poem.
A. V. Isačenko: Slovenski verz. Ljubljana 1939 (2. izd.1975). 104 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 519753
B. A. Novak: Oblika, ljubezen jezika: recepcija romanskih pesniških oblik v slovenski poeziji. Maribor 1995. 383 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 38259969
B. A. Novak: Sonet. Ljubljana 2004. 414 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 128523776
B. A. Novak: Zven in pomen: študije o slovenskem pesniškem jeziku. Ljubljana 2005. 300 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 225799936
Anton Ocvirk: Evropski verzni sistemi in slovenski verz. Prvi in drugi del. Ljubljana 1980. 143 in 153 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 4935168
Tone Pretnar: Iz zgodovine slovenskega verznega oblikovanja. Ljubljana 1997. 379 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 67480064