Psychology of work

Psychology of work

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 45

Seminars: 45

Tutorials: 45

ECTS credit: 8

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Babnik Katarina, doc. dr. Bajec Boštjan

1. Basic concepts: organisation, organising, work, job, workplace, tasks: description and explanation from the perspective of work psychology

2. Characteristics of tasks and job demands:
(i) Definition of job demands and workloads; types of demands (physical, cognitive, emotional) and workloads (quantitative, qualitative, roles), definition of job resources and types of job resources; (ii) Theories and models of job demands and resources; (iii) Approaches and tools for assessing job demands and resources.

2. Individual and work: (i) Role of individual characteristics in work: demographic variables and more stable characteristics and job/work: concepts of abilities, knowledge, skills, personality traits and other individual characteristics.

3. Job analysis:
(i) theories, approaches, and tools for conducting work analysis oriented towards job and the individual, and modern perspectives on job analysis; (ii) application of the results of job analysis to evaluate work/job, psychological aspects of risk assessment at work, defining for job application, defining criteria for evaluating job performance.

3. Attitudes towards work and the work environment:
(i) Satisfaction, commitment, and engagement (definition, structure and measurement).
4. Work behaviour:
(i) work performance; (ii) efficiency and effectiveness: psychological definition and models, criteria, and measurement, expected/above or below average performance; (iii) work errors and critical incidents; (iv) adaptive efficiency; (v) counterproductive behaviour, citizenship behaviour.

5. Health and work:
(i) fatigue, boredom, stress, burnout, impact of work on physical and mental health: definition, measurement; (ii) the concept of work capability and the role of psychology in work capability determination procedures; (iii) occupational diseases; (iv) health-related absenteeism and presenteeism; (iii) primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of stress and the negative impact of work on health.

6. Job design and work scheduling as approaches to adapting work to the individual: (i) workers' well-being as a social responsibility and employer's responsibility; (ii) ergonomic measures, (iii) work and rest scheduling, working hours; (iv) work enrichment, (v) individual adaptation/job crafting, (vi) vocational rehabilitation models: chronic diseases and disabilities.

Diagnostic skills: job analaysis, analysis of job demands and resources, assessment of work outcomes, assessment of attitudes towards work, assessment of stress, fatigue, and burnout.

Intervention skills: psychological approaches to job design; defining minimal criteria for job application; primary prevention programmes for (mental) health at work - conducting workshops, training.

- Peeters, M. C., De Jonge, J. in Taris, T. W. (ur.). (2013). An introduction to contemporary work psychology. John Wiley & Sons.
- Izbrano poglavje iz Bajec, B., Boštjančič E. in Tement, S. (ur) (2016). Človek, delo in organizacija. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta: Tement, S. in Boštjančič, E.: Psihologija dela (str. 97 – 114). COBISS.SI-ID - 287942912
- Cooper, Cary (ur.). (2009). International Handbook of Work and Health Psychology. Wiley.

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