Masters dissertation

Masters dissertation

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 15

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Kavčič Nataša, doc. dr. Kokole Stanko, doc. dr. Mahnič Katja, doc. dr. Novak Klemenčič Renata, doc. dr. Vidrih Rebeka, izr. prof. dr. Žerovc Beti, prof. dr. Germ Martin, prof. dr. Klemenčič Matej, prof. dr. Kreft Lev, prof. dr. Štefanac Samo

The content depends on the chosen topic of the MA thesis. Student's needs regarding their job career can be taken into consideration when defining the topic of the dissertation.

The readings are chosen according to the topic of the thesis.