Master's Thesis Defense
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Kravanja Boštjan, doc. dr. Lunaček Brumen Ana Sarah, doc. dr. Valič Urša, izr. prof. dr. Bartulović Alenka, izr. prof. dr. Habinc Mateja, izr. prof. dr. Repič Jaka, prof. dr. Baskar Bojan, prof. dr. Čebron Lipovec Uršula, prof. dr. Mencej Mirjana, prof. dr. Muršič Rajko, prof. dr. Simonič Peter
The final act of the study is public defence of the thesis, typically organized within the Master Seminar, but it may comprise previous defence at the partner department.
The advisor recommends reading of literature and prepares a list of reading for each student individually, in accordance to the topic of the master thesis.