Selected Topics in Mediaeval History of Southeast Europe

Selected Topics in Mediaeval History of Southeast Europe

Lectures: 0

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Mlacović Dušan

The choice of the selected chapters is variable and changes according to the topicality and the trends within the discipline, as well as the interest of the students. Precedence will be given to issues that possess a specific dynamics in the political, social and economic development of SE Europe in comparison with Western Europe (ethnogenesis, ethnic and religious heterogeneity of the area, the specifics of the development of feudalism, the area's political instability...).

Literatura je prilagojena vsebini izbranih poglavij. Poleg splošne literature študentje uporabljajo najnovejšo strokovno literaturo (tudi periodiko), ki obravnava problematiko izbranih tem.
Reading depend on selected chapters. Apart from general bibliography students use the modern professional books (magazines) which deal with the selected topics.

(starejša literatura)
- nacionalne bibliografije (novejša literatura)

Pregled virov:
- Repertorium fontium medii aevi. Roma 1962 COBISS.SI-ID - 6137645

Strokovni časopisi:
- Südost Forschungen, München COBISS.SI-ID - 26479616
- Osthefte, Wien COBISS.SI-ID - 1769732
- nacionalni strokovni časopisi