Medieval Art in Slovenia I
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Cerkovnik Gašper
Consideration of the development of architecture in the Slovenian territory through the historical periods (early Middle Ages, Romanesque, early, mature, late Gothic), and taking into account the respective historical (economic, political, cultural, ideological) context as well as in terms of basic approaches (functionalist, substantive, style) as well as geographical context. The focus is on key monuments and artists; they are addressed a detailed presentation and analysis. In each major stylistic phenomena are also remitted examples and stimuli coming from outside the Slovenian territory, which is dedicated to place the material in the chronological development and stylistic context of the broader European area. Treatment of artistic heritage includes a critical concussion of bibliography.
- Janez HÖFLER, Samo ŠTEFANAC: Umetnost srednjega veka na Slovenskem: arhitektura in kiparstvo. Skripta, Ljubljana: Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino Filozofske fakultete 1994, 1999. COBISS.SI-ID – 7816290
-Marijan ZADNIKAR: Romanika v Sloveniji: tipologija in morfologija sakralne arhitekture. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije 1982. COBISS.SI-ID – 2129925
- Janez HÖFLER ur.: Gotika v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Narodna galerija 1995. COBISS.SI-ID – 50703104
- Samo ŠTEFANAC ur.: Dioecesis Justinopolitana: spomeniki gotske umetnosti na območju koprske škofije. Koper: Pokrajinski muzej 2000. COBISS.SI-ID - 109785856
- Robert PESKAR: Gotska arhitektura na Goriškem. Stavbarske delavnice (1460-1530) = Architettura gotica nel Goriziano. I "cantieri" (1460-1530). Nova Gorica: Goriški muzej, Grad Kromberk 1999. COBISS.SI-ID - 98829568
- Mija OTER GORENČIČ: Deformis formositas ac formosa deformitas: samostanska stavbna plastika 12. in 13. stoletja v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC: ZRC SAZU 2006. COBISS.SI-ID – 244411136
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